Measuring Sales Progress in Treasury Management

treasury management business development treasury management digital sales treasury management lead generation treasury management metrics treasury management sales May 28, 2024
Sales Progress in Treasury Management

Understanding and measuring sales progress in Treasury Management is crucial. The journey through sales metrics isn't just about numbers; it's about telling a story of growth, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Here's how you can effectively measure your Treasury Management sales progress:

Net New Revenue

Net new revenue is the lifeblood of any sales operation. It represents the additional income generated from new customers or from existing customers through upselling or cross-selling your Treasury Management services. This metric showcases not only the effectiveness of your sales strategies but also how well these strategies match your market's needs. Tracking net new revenue helps in understanding the health of your sales funnel. Are your offerings generating interest, or do they need adjustment? This metric answers that by showing real financial growth.

Sales Pipeline

The sales pipeline is your roadmap to future Treasury Management revenue. It includes all the deals in various stages, from initial contact to closed sales. Maintaining a robust pipeline means ensuring a steady flow of potential customers. This metric helps in forecasting future revenue and identifying bottlenecks. If the pipeline is too lean, it might indicate a need for more aggressive marketing or a broader outreach. Conversely, a clogged pipeline might suggest issues in the sales process, like inefficient follow-ups or unclear value propositions.


Churn rate measures the percentage of customers who discontinue using your Treasury Management services. A high churn rate can be alarming, suggesting dissatisfaction with services or competitive pressures. Analyzing churn not only helps in retaining customers but also in refining service offerings. By understanding why customers leave, you can tailor your services more closely to customer needs, enhancing loyalty and reducing churn.

Time to Close in Days

This metric tracks how long it takes from the initial sales contact to closing a deal. For Treasury Management, where services can be complex, a longer time to close might indicate a need for better customer education or more streamlined sales processes. Treasury Management sales teams at Community banks, known for a relationship-driven approach, can use this metric to optimize their engagement strategies. Shorter times to close often lead to higher sales efficiency and can indicate strong customer trust and satisfaction.

Net New Treasury Management Customer Count

Finally, the count of new Treasury Management customers provides a straightforward measure of market penetration and sales effectiveness. This number reflects not just sales success but also brand trust and market demand for your bank's services. An increasing customer count indicates growing market share or expanding service appeal.

Measuring sales progress in Treasury Management through these metrics offers a broad view of sales health. Each metric serves a unique purpose, from forecasting future earnings and identifying operational efficiencies to understanding customer retention and market fit. By focusing on these areas, you can enhance your sales strategies and build stronger, more enduring relationships with customers. This approach not only drives business growth but also reinforces your community bank's role as a trusted financial partner.

TMClarity™ empowers Community Banks to attract more business core deposits and increase non-interest fee income. Our framework enables you to become world-class in the selling, implementation, and customer support of treasury management services offered to your business customers.

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