Gaining Traction

treasury management metrics treasury management sales Sep 17, 2024
Gaining Traction

Running a treasury management department presents unique challenges. Whether your operations are based in the suburbs or the bustling city, attracting and retaining quality treasury management customers requires a dedicated, full-time effort from your entire team. Here are key indicators that your department is gaining traction:

Seamless Onboarding

When you onboard a new customer and the process goes so smoothly that you, as the sales leader, receive minimal feedback, it's a sign of success. The only communication might be praise for your team's efficiency and confirmation that all new services are operational.

Integration with Lending

Another positive sign is when your lending team proactively discusses treasury management services with potential customers even before loan agreements are finalized. This reflects their confidence in your team's ability to deliver excellent service, ensuring that loan customers are well cared for.

Positive Metrics

You'll notice improvements in several key performance indicators:

  • Decreased Customer Churn: Retention rates improve as customers find value in your services.
  • Enhanced Pipeline: Your sales pipeline shows growth, indicating a healthy interest in your offerings.
  • Increased Deposits: There's a noticeable uptick in deposit growth, reflecting trust in your treasury management service capabilities.
  • Reduced Service Tickets: A decline in service requests suggests higher customer satisfaction and fewer issues.

The effectiveness of your treasury management department isn't just about numbers; it's about seamless integration, proactive teamwork, and ultimately, the trust and satisfaction of your customers. By focusing on these indicators, you're not just gaining traction, but cultivating lasting relationships that drive your institution's success.

TMClarity™ empowers Community Banks to attract more business core deposits and increase non-interest fee income. Our framework enables you to become world-class in the selling, implementation, and customer support of treasury management services offered to your business customers.

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